Coconut oil! To be, or not to be!?
Oh, the touchy subject - The coconut oil! Yes, for most of the Malayalees out there, coconut and the oil from coconut is a staple food. Coconut and coconut oil…
Oh, the touchy subject - The coconut oil! Yes, for most of the Malayalees out there, coconut and the oil from coconut is a staple food. Coconut and coconut oil…
Often a very common question among people! Many of us believe that table sugar is bad for health and if you replace that with jaggery and honey....TADAAAAA!!!!!! it is suddenly…
Ever heard of this funny saying - "If you cannot convince them, confuse them!" Well, the food & beverages companies seem to have literally taken this moto, into their marketing…
Before we get to what fatty liver is and how can be remedied, let us under what does Liver do in the human body! The liver is an organ that…
Step into a super market and in the rack dedicated to 'healthy products' you will see a host of Gluten free products! And along with the gluten free, comes the…